How long do tea lights burn



 How long do tea lights burn?


Tea light candles are a popular choice for a variety of holidays and dinners. They have been around for

hundreds of years, perfect for creating a warm ambiance. However, there seems to be one problem: tea lights

burn too quickly.

How long do tea lights burn?

Most tea lights have 3 -5hours of burn time, but there is a wide variety of types that last different amounts of

time. For example, seven-hour candles have a 70 minute burn time and twelve-hour candles have a 120

minute burn time.

Tea lights burn faster than traditional candles and can go through a number of wax cycles before they burn

out. The first candle cycle is usually the quickest, lasting a few hours. As the candle burns longer and longer,

the wax shrinks and heats up, causing the wick to become hotter. This then means that more gas is released

from the melted wax, which contributes to more flame (and heat). A candle burns out when the wax is so hot

that it begins to drip and the wick reaches its maximum potential, around 600 degrees F. This is when the

wick becomes too brittle and breaks.

Factors That Influence Tea Lights Life

There are also many factors that determine how long the tea light will burn before burning out - and it is not

always the same for every candle. Here is a list of factors that determine how long the tea light will last

before burning out.

1. Temperature: Tea lights burn faster when it is hot outside. Cooler temperatures will slow down the rate at

which the candle burns, so keep your tea lights cool when you are not using them. Wax: Wax is a very

important part of the candle and determines how long they last. The hotter the wax, or source of wax, the

quicker they will burn out (and vice versa).

2. Flame size: The bigger the flame, the faster the wax will burn. Be sure to match your tea light candle up

with a wick that is appropriate for that candle. This means that you might not be able to make a large, tall

candle work with a small tea light.     

For more info  I highly recommend to check up this program    

Written by: LauraMax

How lo ng do tea lights burn


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